Joanne Fedler's latest offering Love in
the Time of Contempt is part pep-talk, part personal memoir and an open
invitation to consider yourself a part of the club devoted to the 'Raising of

This is not a how-to manual on parenting
13-19 year-olds. There is no magical handbook to follow that will make you an expert
at getting yourself and your children through this challenging stage of their
development. Teenagers are a social grouping not a collective noun. They are as
individual as snowflakes or fingerprints. Ironically, many would protest
against this individualism, preferring instead to belong to a group, to fit, to
follow the crowd. Funnily enough, being like everyone else often becomes the
basis of the teenager's identity.
What you will learn within these pages is
that 'this too shall pass'. There is no avoiding this challenge. The good news
is that most who go through it do so without any lasting damage. It is important
to separate ego from parenting. It is not a competitive sport. You don't need to
outshine your children. Be fair. Say sorry. Admit when you are wrong. Show your
vulnerability. Give them respect and expect it in return. Compromise. Relax.

Fedler's writing is honest, humorous, and
insightful. She shares her experiences generously, without being didactic. With
warmth and a touch of irony she gives the reader that sense of solidarity and
support that, during what is often one of the most difficult stages of
parenting, we are not alone. In the end we are all in this together. As
parents, we just have to do the best we know how to do, learning on-the-job,
while staying open and available to our teenagers.
I highly recommend Love in the Time of
Find out more about Joanne here.